
I wouldn’t say necessarily that I have hobbies but rather passions. I have been playing the piano for seven years. Playing piano has a huge impact on my life. Music is just a part of who I am. My grandfather has been one of my biggest inspirations through out the time that I have been playing.

I have been in dance for eleven years. I take lessons from Lisa Morgan. I love dance and hope to continue doing dance for a long time.

I am also in band, which takes up about 90% of all of my free time. I love band but I will be the first person to admit it gets tiring at sometimes. My seventh grade year I joined the high school winter percussion. In winter percussion season I played the synth, helped work the sound board, and I operated most of the voice overs.

The summer going into eighth grade I started marching band. However, I didn’t march, I was in the pit. I played synth in the pit just as I did during winter percussion season.Screen Shot 2014-08-19 at 1.17.28 PM

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